Saturday, October 17, 2009


I've been on weight watcher's now for 21 weeks - Holy toledo! - and have only just recently discovered some wonderful things.

I like to have cereal and milk. This costs me at least 4 points - and if I add a banana to it, that's another 2 points. SIX POINTS for breakfast! Right now I only have 18 points per day, so that's WAY too many points for breakfast.

However, recently I've discovered this cereal:

3/4 cup Total whole wheat flakes are only ONE POINT.

Furthermore, because of the delightful problem I've been having on long runs I've been reducing the amount of dairy I've consuming. Though I haven't been able to completely stay clear of Bryer's fat free or weight watcher's one point bars yet...but anyway, I have been drinking soy milk. Yesterday, I was THRILLED to discover 8th Continent Complete Soy Milk which is only ONE POINT per cup. ONE POINT!

This means that I can have cereal and milk for only 2 points as opposed to at least 4. SCORE!

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