Monday, May 9, 2016

Mon May 9th 2016

Oh my gosh I suck at keeping this thing updated.  Clearly I'm not going to be doing it on a regular basis because of aforementioned suckage.  Hopefully I'll remember from time to time though.

Breakfast:  Chocolate PB smoothie
1.5 c almond coconut milk - 60 cal
Banana - 105 cal
1 Tbsp cocoa - 20 cal
2 Tbsp PB powder - 47 cal
Total: 232 cal

Post-workout snack: Green smoothie
1 c almond coconut milk - 40 cal
1/2 banana - 62 cal
1/2 c blueberries - 41 cal
1 cup spinach - 12 cal
Total: 155 cal

Lunch: Salad
2 ca romaine - 20 cal
cucumber - 6 cal
1/4 tomato - 9 cal
1/4 can tuna - 30 cal
1 tsp lemonades light - 13 cal
1 tsp german mustard - 5 cal
1 tbsp blue cheese - 50 cal
2 tbsp green goddess dressing - 98 cal
Total: 230 cal

Afternoon snack - toast and banana with PB
1/2 banana - 62 cal
1 tsp PB - 30 cal
1/2 tsp butter - 18 cal
1 slice little big bread - 55 cal
Total: 165 cal

1 cup veggies - 135 cal
1 cup sushi rice - 213 cal
5oz salmon - 242 cal
1 tbsp soy sauce - 10 cal
Total: 600 cal

Exercise: 106 minutes of run/walk: 483 cal
11 mins myrtl/stretching - 30 cal
Total: 513 cal

Net: 331 cal left today.  Less than I wanted.  Will try to do better tomorrow.  Don't know how I'll manage it.  I'm starving.
Seems like I like having 1500 calories/day rather than 1200, goshdarnit, which means I need to actually burn at least 800 per day rather than 500.  And 900 is better to just have some buffer.


I'm not at the fitness level yet in order to burn that many calories while running.  My legs aren't strong enough and are prone to ITB, PF, and  hip pain. So that's just great.  My run today turned out to be mostly walking...and it took me an hour and 40 mins to get just under 500 calories.  So that's stupidly irritating. =(  I wish I could run more/faster/longer as I used to be able to. But I can't. So. Sigh.

So on alternate days I'll get on the bike.  I should be able to pull down 900 calories in maybe an hour and a half? Two hours?  (as long as my Garmin actually works.  I had to reset the sucker and I don't know how to pair it up with my bike sensor on the trainer.  So. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.  )

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